The Motivation That Drove Me to Put a Lot of Time Into a Business Before It Makes Money

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What motivates you to put a lot of time into a business before it makes money?

I've had a lot of ideas. But the ideas alone don't motivate me to pursue them. They are often trivial or too big to execute. There are, of course outside motivators, like I need money to live off of or I want to provide for my family. That could be enough motivation for a high salary job, because of the immediate reward of a paycheck.

In the last 6 months I have just started to execute an idea. And the difference I see in this time and effort I put into it, is that that it has a purpose and can help people. That makes me think that it has value and therefore I am not wasting my time, as in working for nothing. Value is connected to making money. But there is the unknown connection to it helping people and having a purpose to making money, which I have faith that I will find along the way. And that is what helps me make a leap of faith in putting in 100s of hours into a project, before it can be profitable. I also find it satisfying in the meanwhile to be creating something that will help people.
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Misplaced belief.

And the difference I see in this time and effort I put into it, is that that it has a purpose and can help people. That makes me think that it has value and therefore I am not wasting my time, as in working for nothing.

Well ain't you Mother Teresa. Why not get out there … with the people? Talk with them. Help them out, right now. Solve some problem or problems. At least get to know which problems are most important and how best to present a solution.

What puzzles me about the helpful is they get amped in the absence or their raison d'etre. Never do test a single assumption. My but that is convenient.

Plenty of do-gooders failed to account for the people they were attempting to help having to agree it is indeed helpful. You will notice most helper-outers want to give people what they need.

Well what most need is a swift kick in the ass. I just don't see the waiting lines.

The most popular excuse for pushing on a string, for Build It And They Will Come, is money is just not important. Very Star Trek. I just can't see why it was cancelled after three seasons. The Metaverse …no that nosedive makes sense.

I can applaud the sentiment while raising an eyebrow at motivations. Beautiful cloaking field though. "I can help. Mom said I could," I love you guys.

TIL Noblesse oblige never went out of style — it just got a CGI makeover.
find something that suits your niche best and run with it.

this might be a slightly long comment but I hope it gives you some ideas.

I'm extremely passionate about art , when I was in school I was good academically but I always knew that I was better with my hands. I knew I wanted to meet with people and connect with them.

I like projects that I can dive into and get completely locked in. After school I started working a 9-5, I sold some things that were relevant to what my age group was interacting with alongside this.

I discovered that I was really passionate about making people feel good as well and started wondering what type of careers could accommodate all these things that made feel good. I started thinking of service providers and I saved up and dove into the beauty industry.

I now do lash extensions , and other beauty treatments alongside my 9-5 ( using to fund more courses ), whilst selling supplies and other items online.

I make a fair amount for my age , and with the courses I plan on taking on I know I could make more. my goal is to determine my hours , and do what I want , when I want.

I was scared to start , but there is no greater setback than your comfort zone. You have to determine your strengths and desires and see how you can use those to your advantage , how you could incorporate it into something that will generate an income. This could help you stay happy while building/earning.

Research, research, research. Everything that comes with risk is scary, it isn't easy and it isn't always pretty. Come to terms with the fact that you may fall along the way. Push through your setbacks, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Constantly envision your goals, envision yourself living the life you're aiming for.

with investing your time into something that could potentially open more doors for you? rather an oh well, than a what if. always.

I've had a lot of ideas. But the ideas alone don't motivate me to pursue them. They are often trivial or too big to execute.

I think a lot of entrepreneurs face this problem. They have ambition and want to go big or they see an obvious problem but aren't interested in the field. The solution always comes down to finding something that does motivate you. You have to work within your own limitations or break down bigger goals into smaller goals. Motivation is something that no one can really coach you on because in the world of entrepreneurship you are going to have take that step out of a safe zone on your own.

There are, of course outside motivators, like I need money to live off of or I want to provide for my family. That could be enough motivation for a high salary job, because of the immediate reward of a paycheck.

These outside motivators also are the reason why people get stuck in the aforementioned safe zone.

In the last 6 months I have just started to execute an idea. And the difference I see in this time and effort I put into it, is that that it has a purpose and can help people. That makes me think that it has value and therefore I am not wasting my time, as in working for nothing. Value is connected to making money. But there is the unknown connection to it helping people and having a purpose to making money, which I have faith that I will find along the way. And that is what helps me make a leap of faith in putting in 100s of hours into a project, before it can be profitable. I also find it satisfying in the meanwhile to be creating something that will help people.

One day at a time. I am glad to hear you progressing towards your long term goals and that you are starting to develop stronger internal motivation for yourself. Now you are at a stage where you have to learn to value time commitment against results. The 80-20 rule or whatever it may be in your country is going to help you find a balance on hours dedicated to working on your entrepreneurship project. The rest of the time should be shifted towards market research, consistent validation of market fit, and reiteration.
I can claim to have been exploring really uncomfortable boundaries of 'when is too late to start to making money'.

For me, what keeps me going is:

• My attitude of never giving up. It comes from past experience from other areas of life, where I persevered through stressful times, challenges, and situations of very tight financials.

• My strong belief in the value of my vision/service to society. That is backed by fundamentals of science, and observing some other products doing well, that I had thought of, based on my reading of markets.

• When I started wondering, why me, why this challenge, then I learnt this by myself, and later found this quote online: "If you weren't capable, the opportunity would have never come your way." . It is just a phase that must be experienced to get to the next level.

On the last one, I figured out myself – many such pieces of inspirational wisdom, which I later found some motivational speaker talking about it. That kept strengthening my belief that, I am on the same path, as walked by successful people of the past.

OhGloriousName ✍️
Have you seen success with this method?

Depends on your definition/expectation of success. Personally, I have experienced growth.

And all of this stems from my fundamental nature, attitude & natural instincts. With that, I have seen quite some success.

Making Money Through Blogging From Even Just Cents

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